domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for others, this practice is very harmful. In this essay, I propose that a conscious and regulated use of the cell-phones during the classes can be very beneficial for the students learning, and for the teacher performance.

It is very common to see that most teachers oppose the use of cell-phones in classes. They argue that the cellphones distract the students, getting hard the process of learning. Many are the claims about social networks, especially when the students answer messages in classes. Despite that arguments, a regulated use of the cell-phones and the internet can help the students to the learn, in this way, the cell-phone can be a very useful tool for both students and teachers. For example, if a student forgets some content already seen in classes, namely, a content that all the other students know, the student can search this content in the web through his cell-phone without delaying the class.

In addition to the support that the cell-phones can be for the student, this apparatus can be a very useful tool for the teachers. Using the cell-phones in his favor, the teachers can innovate and make a more dynamic class, using apps, videos or web sites. The internet, and particularly the cell-phones, offer us a wide range of tools and services that if we know how to use, they can be very useful to develop any activity, especially teaching.

Considering these aspects, a correct and appropriate use of the cell-phones can even improve the learning methods, however, it can difficult the teaching process if the students pay attention to other things in the cell-phones, such as messages, videos or photos. Therefore, the use must be regulated and mainly, conscious on the part of the students, since that they decide to use or not their cell phones in classes.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

The next line graph shows how many million dollars were spent in books between 1995 and 2005 in developed countries, specifically, Germany, France, Italy and Austria. In addition, the graph allows us to compare the money spent on books for each country.
Between this countries, Germany is the country where most money was spent on books, 80 million dollars in 1995, which was increased to approximately 98 million dollars in 10 years, with a peak in 1999 followed for a slightly drop to 2003, where we can see a rapid jump to 2005.  A few million dollars down we find France, country that go up from approximately 55 million dollars in 1995 to 75 million dollars in 2005. Comparing with Germany, the increase of France is very gradual and without relevant decreases. If we consider the current expense on books, below France was Austria, with approximately 72 million dollars, however, this country present a constant increased in comparison with others countries, in this way, we can see a slow climb between 1995 and 1999, followed for two years of remain. In 2001 appear a dramatically jump of 20 million dollars in just two years, after that, the increase was a little more gradually. Seeing Italy, we can say that since 1995 to 2002 approximately, Italy spent more money than Austria. Italy is the country with more fluctuation of the graph, we can see a peak of 55 million dollars followed than a slight decrease in 1999, after that, Italy remain a gradually expand of the money expense in books, anyway, in approximately 2002 was exceeded for Austria.
With this information, we can say that between 1995 and 2005, Germany remain as the country that expense more money in books, with 80 million dollars in 1995 and exceeding France for 25 million dollar, currently, Germany exceeded France for 18 million dollars approximately. The country that spent less money before the 2000 was Austria, because since the 2002 that exceeded Italy, country that has a very slight increase.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

In my opinion, the language is a very enigmatic skill of the humans, is like an attempt to show our subjectivities and our reflections. Mark Pagel says that in the origins, the humans like the Homo erectus has just the skill of social learning, that is learn through the visual theft, copy the things that others persons do. I think that we currently use the social learning and sometimes, is very useful, in addition, also using the language we can see a social learning, not so much linked with the visual theft, maybe, a “listen theft”.  In this line, Mark says that in a moment of our evolution, we had to choose between two options: live in small groups or in cooperative societies. Pagel tell that if we had choose to live in small groups, we would probably still living like the Neanderthals, because in small groups are fewer ideas, and for this, not language. On the other hand, living in cooperative societies means replace the visual theft for the language. In my opinion, that is problematic, because I don’t think that in small groups are less ideas than in a big group, actually, exist many small groups like hunter-gatherers who have complex ideas and very rich languages, for that, I disagree with the idea of one world one language, that would be very destructive, even more considering that the peoples would not like to change his ancient language. Anyway, I agree respect the power of the language, with that we can change our lives and change the world.
Considering the language and specifically the Chilean case, I think that the language is something mutable which operates in the practice, not in dictionaries or grammaticism laws, in this line, we can change that conscious or unconscious, and that is not bad.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

According to Fundacion Basura, each person in Chile generates 1,5 kilograms of trash per day. Additionally, large part of this trash is plastic, material with important pollution rates and without an organic degradation. Therefore, these elements remain in time, destroying the sea, the air and the ground.
The neoliberalism of our time imposes a culture of consumption and waste, in a frenetic rhythm where anything is made with plastic and disposable, just for use in a short space of time. This garbage is affecting the earth and affecting ourselves, which has made the situation critic and probably, unsustainable later. It is very important begin now to change that, is a responsibility that we have with the earth, and with the future generations.
It is relevant that the common people changes there daily life for a life with less waste and more recycling. We must to question our habits and our thoughts; moreover, we have to question our culture, because here is a part of the problem. Is necessary don’t forget the industrial factor. It is true that we as common people have responsibilities about the ecology, but the companies and the industries (like the extractive industries) are destroying the environment on a large-scale, is necessary to stop them. Anyway, this work is oriented to the people and to contribute to a cultural change that can solve the problem about the inorganic wastes.
Anthropology can help to solve this problem, with this discipline we can identify and analyze cultural practices that produce a lot of waste, in this way, we can question this practices and show that to the people, exposing others alternatives, oriented to clean and protect the nature.   
We must change our practices that produce too much inorganic garbage. Incorporating a subject in the primary school to teach the children’s about environment pollution, and showing the destructive that can be our simple practices of our daily life we can change the practices of the new generations, more than that, is very important that people know about the climate change and about the nature contamination. But we need more than that to change the destructive traits of the culture imposed for the neoliberalism. We must have the material conditions to make an effective recycling, is very important to increase things like the recycling points in the city. In addition to this, we must educate all the sectors of the society, through free workshops and any kind of dissemination of information about this topic. Not just the destruction of our practices must be exposing, information about alternatives and recycle practices can make the difference. It is true that the industries and companies will keep contaminating, but we must make our part, obviously, without forgetting this problem.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

According to Fundacion Basura, each person in Chile generates 1,5 kilograms of trash per day. Additionally, large part of this trash is plastic, material with important pollution rates and without an organic degradation. Therefore, these elements remain in time, destroying the sea, the air and the ground.
The neoliberalism of our time imposes a culture of consumption and waste, in a frenetic rhythm where anything is made with plastic and disposable, just for use in a short space of time. This garbage is affecting the earth and affecting ourselves, which has made the situation critic and probably, unsustainable later. It is very important begin now to change that, is a responsibility that we have with the earth, and with the future generations.
It is relevant that the common people changes there daily life for a life with less waste and more recycling. The anthropology can help to solve this problem, with this discipline we can analyze the cultural practices that produce a lot of waste and find more ecology’s alternatives, oriented to clean and protect the nature.  

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Hello my friends, how are you? Today I’m going to tell you about phone apps.
I have many types of apps in my phone, mainly games that I don’t play so much but I can’t uninstall that for any reason. Of all the apps that I have, the app that I use a lot than the other is Youtube. Currently, Youtube is a default app in the phones and probably, is the most renowned apps in the world. I think that you know in what consists the app but anyway, I’m going to tell you haha. Basically, Youtube give you the possibility of upload your own videos in the web and to watch the videos of other peoples. The contents are really broad, since videos about music, to videos about political. Naturally, I discovered this app many years ago, when my cousins show me crazy videos when I was a child.
I use this app very frequently, maybe all the days and mainly to listen music (although is an app for videos, I think that is the best web to listen music free). Also I use that for watch scenes of movies, funny videos, notices, tutorials etc.
I think that Youtube is a very useful app and very recommendable, because with that you can access to a lot of information and a lot kinds of contents, allowing you have funny and learn.

martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone, today in my practice I do exercise about vocabulary and listening’s mainly. In that exercises I got good results (compared with that I Expected). Anyway, I have some problems mainly in the listening exercises, because is very difficult to me understand the English even more, if the people talks faster. 

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for ...